Prayer Cycle

Praying for each other on a regular basis connects us at a deep spiritual level.

The 26th of each month is set aside as a day to pray for diakonia world wide. Also, the World Federation produces a monthly Prayer Letter.

Prayer CycleMonthly Prayer Letter
DOTAC Prayer Bookmark

A Litany for Prayer

Where can I go from your spirit O God? (Psalm 139.7)

Be still and aware of God’s presence within and all around.

I am awakened this day
To the presence of the holy angels of God.
May heaven open wide before me
Above me and around me
That I may see the Christ of my love
And his sunlit company
In all the things of earth this day.

Recite aloud the diaconal communities for the month from the prayer cycle, and other diaconal folks or communities near to your heart. Reflect on them and remember that we belong to the whole company of saints both past and present.

O God of life, of all life, of each life,
I offer you these prayers
In the love of Christ
In the affection of Christ
In the company of Christ,
As your own household desires in heaven so may I desire on earth this day.


Litany adapted from Each Day & Each Night, J. Philip Newell. (Printable copy)