International: DOTAC
DIAKONIA of the Americas and the Caribbean (DOTAC)DUCC is one of 12 member groups currently in DOTAC.
DOTAC meets every four years. Go here for DOTAC Events.

As one of three geographical regions in the DIAKONIA World Federation, DOTAC, is comprised of twelve diaconal communities. DUCC is one of these twelve communities. The DOTAC Central Committee/Board of Directors consists of one representative from each of the member communities. Six of the communities are American, four Canadian, one is based in the Caribbean and one in Brazil. Five are Lutheran, three are Methodist, two Episcopalian/Anglican, one Presbyterian, and one United Church. For more information on DOTAC, go to their website ( For more information on DIAKONIA World Federation, go to their website (
Currently, Ted Dodd, a Diaconal Minister in the United Church of Canada and a member of DUCC, is president of DOTAC and the regional Vice President of DIAKONIA: World Federation.

Canadian diakonia on Canada Day in 2017 in Chicago, Illinois, USA for DWF (DIAKONIA: World Federation) Assembly.
DOTAC Purpose and Mission Statement
- Mission Statement:
- DOTAC links and gathers those engaged in diakonia, is a prophetic voice for ecumenical relations and social justice, and encourages, supports and empowers the development of groups doing diakonia in the region.
- Purposes:
- To encourage ecumenical relationships among diaconal associations, sisterhoods, and orders in North America, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.
- To strengthen a sense of community among the associations, sisterhoods, and orders.
- To reflect on the nature and task of the diakonia in the New Testament sense and to further the understanding of it.
- To provide a forum for discussion of issues of mutual concern.
- To render mutual assistance and undertake common tasks.

Communities and Associations
- Anglican Deacons of Canada/Anglicane des Diacres au Canada (AADC)
- Deaconess Community of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (Deaconess ELCA)
- Deacons –Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC Deacons)
- Diakonia of The United Church of Canada (DUCC)
- ELCA Deacons Ecumenical Engagement Affinity Group (ELCA Deacons)
- Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana no Brasil (IECLB)
- Lutheran Diaconal Association/Lutheran Deaconess Conference/Community of Lutheran Deacons (LDA)
- Office of Deaconess, Home Missioners and Home Missionaries-The United Methodist Church (ODHM – UMC)
- Presbyterian Church in Canada – Order of Diaconal Ministries (PCC – ODM)
- United Methodist Deacons and Diaconal Ministers (UMC Deacons)
- Wesley Diaconal Community – Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas (WDC – MCCA)

Dove and Smudge Bowl – Image for DOVE: Diakonia Overcoming Violence Experience.
DUCCs at Vancouver 2019 DOTAC Assembly
The Board consists of one representative from each community or association. In their meetings, issues are addressed related to:
- Community Updates: Reports are received from each of the 12 communities noting commonalities and differences. Analysis of the patterns in our challenges and concerns continues and will strategies to address these issues are being developed on an on-going basis.
- Finances: A new committee has been struck to oversee financial policies and guidelines and support the treasurer.
- By-laws: A new ordering and clarifying of some issues has led to a new set of bylaws passed in May of 2019.
- Social Justice: A Zoom series “DOTAC and Racial Justice” was convened in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder. Over 40 people have been participating in this learning and discussion. A new Social Justice Committee has been struck and began its work December 2020. Thursdays in Black has been a focus since November 2018. A fourth DOVE (Diakonia Overcoming Violence Experience) is being planned for Jamaica in September 2021.
- Theological Reflection: At meetings time is devoted time to discussing various documents and community statements related to diaconal identity and practice. Ways to encourage and broaden research and study of diakonia is being considered through updating the on-line list of diaconal resources, a proposed seminar series, and support for formation courses and directors.
- Membership Connections: Attempts are being suggested for gathering members of the diaconate with similar interests, concerns and ministries.
- DIAKONIA World Federation (DWF) Connections: DWF has instituted a New Committee Structure, awarded a number of DIAKAID COVID grants around the globe, established a new (and more frequent) Enews, and is reconstructing its regional and world federation websites.
- Assemblies: In 2019, the Board was focused on planning the 2019 quadrennial conference. In August, the Vancouver conference addressed the theme of “Respecting Covenant – Risking the Journey toward Reconciliation” through the three lenses of: indigeneity, eco-justice, and global migration. Almost 160 persons attended the event on the beautiful University of British Columbia campus. The next assembly is anticipated for 2023 or 2024 in the Caribbean.
Installation of DOTAC Officers (including DUCC’s Ted Dodd, as President) by Past Presidents, Louise Williams and DUCC’s Linda Ervin.
Current and Upcoming Events
- Mondays in May: A DOTAC Seminar Series
- DOTAC Monthly Prayer – If you are interested in getting the Zoom link for this event which occurs on the first day of the month, contact Ted Dodd ([email protected]).
- A DOVE event (Diakonia Overcoming Violence Experience) is being planned. Stay tuned for more information.
- Past events and information for upcoming events can be found in our DOTAC events index.
Closing Worship where Marlene Britton was the preacher.
DOTAC Gathering in Vancouver 2019.
DOTAC Board of Directors, 2018, Valpariso, Indiana, Lutheran Diaconal Association