DUCC Organization
DUCC is a voluntary association of United Church of Canada Diaconal Ministers and others who identify themselves as being in diaconal ministry.
Diakonia of the United Church of Canada
Mission & Purpose
The primary purpose of DUCC is to create and maintain community and connection among its members in order to:
- build up the body of Christ through strengthening diaconal ministries and those in diaconal ministry in the United Church,
- share information of interest with members and to others who are interested in diaconal ministry
- reflect on issues related to Diaconal Ministry within the United Church,
- advocate for Diaconal Ministry in the courts of the United Church, particularly the General Council and its Committees and Task Groups
- further theological reflection on diaconal ministry in the context of the changing face of the Christian church in our times
- appoint representatives to DIAKONIA World Federation and Diakonia of the Americas and the Caribbean (DOTAC) Click the highlighted link for more on World Federation and DOTAC.
- promote interest and involvement in international diakonia

Relationship to United Church of Canada
DUCC is recognized by the United Church but is distinct from it.
While there is no direct line of accountability between DUCC and the United Church there is cooperation fostered in a relationship of mutual respect. In the current United Church General Council structure, oversight for the Order of Diaconal Ministry rests with the Office of Vocation. The United Church pays DUCC membership dues for DIAKONIA World Federation and DOTAC.
Diaconal ministers, Deb Kigar and Lynda Gow, were recently a part of a working group, staffed by Joe Ramsay, on diaconal ministry. The Working Group conducted a survey on Diaconal Ministry and the results were presented to the DUCC National Gathering in April 2013. To see the powerpoint presentation click here.’
A discussion paper, “Thinking about One Order of Ministry A Concept Paper from the Joint Ministry Working Group“, was released June 6, 2013. Feedback is invited before “mid September 2013”. For more information see the document. A task group was created at the DUCC National Gathering with a mandate to formulate a response on behalf of DUCC. Input from all members of the DUCC community is welcome into this process.
DUCC Organizational Structure
The work of DUCC is carried out between each bi-annual National Gathering through a dispersed model of shared responsibility. It is primarily a volunteer run organization.
At the 2011 National Gathering it was decided to shift from forming Clusters or Committees exclusively regionally to allow for forming them by passion or interest regardless of geography. The 2011 – 2013 structure reflects this change and will be assessed in 2013.
Regional Clusters
There is also a more informal structure of Regional Clusters within DUCC that meet periodically, often at Conference Annual Meetings. The purpose of the gatherings varies from business to retreat or education.
Staffing Pilot Project
At the 2011 National Gathering a pilot project to hire a part time staff person for DUCC was approved. Eric Tusz-King has been appointed. See more on the DUCC Organization Staff.
Special Funds
DUCC has oversight of two funds: The Kaufman Renewal and Emergency Fund and Renewal Fund and the Barbara Elliott Trust Fund for Innovative Ministry.
Membership in DUCC is open to anyone affiliated in some way with the United Church who understands themselves to be in diaconal ministry. You’re involvement is welcomed!