Leafa (Drew) McNeil

Leafa (Drew) McNeil

In Memorium Leafa (Drew) McNeil Back to Index Leafa-McNeil-2012 Leafa Drew contributed much to enrich God’s world through her faith and her music – she was a practical Christian – she accepted the blessings of God in life, and met the difficult times with quiet...
Frances Taylor Cline

Frances Taylor Cline

In Memorium Frances Taylor Cline Back to Index quints-from-1950-UCTS The “Quints”: Five women from the UCTS class of 1950 went to Central India with the Women’s Missionary Society, where they joined 34 other WMS missionaries. Frances Taylor was born...
Mary Pyne

Mary Pyne

In Memorium Mary Pyne Back to Index Mary-Pyne-with-her-plane-no-date Mary-Pyne-June-11-2012 Mary Pyne, born in 1924, was a colourful, feisty and loving advocate for justice. She lived her theology in everything she did. Mary, already a registered nurse, graduated from...
Nellie Spicer

Nellie Spicer

In Memorium Nellie Spicer Back to Index Nellie Spicer was a character: her view was broad and she was curious about everything. She was a doer, and do she did. Raised in a farm family in southern Alberta, she was the oldest of 11 children. It was a church family, and...
Geraldine Dearing Bould

Geraldine Dearing Bould

In Memorium Geraldine Dearing Bould Back to Index Bould-Geraldine-Dearing Geraldine Bould was a bright, capable woman, who brought skill and wisdom to the ministries she conducted in her long career serving congregations and church institutions as a lay person and as...
Betty Chisholm Cade

Betty Chisholm Cade

In Memorium Betty Chisholm Cade Back to Index Betty-Cade2 Betty Ann Chisholm Cade was a spirited woman, deeply committed to the ministry of hospitality. Her home was frequently the location of parties for her family and friends. She was faithful in connecting her...