In Memorium Betty Ann Caldwell Back to Index ELIZABETH (BETTY ANN) CALDWELL was born April 9, 1931. Betty Ann was born in Dauphin, MB and raised in Gilbert Plains. She remembered her childhood as a wondrous time, filled with family, community, church, education,...
In Memorium Lillian Morrison Back to Index Lillian Morrison graduated from the Centre for Christian Studies in 1983. She was Minister Emeritus at Scarborough Bluffs United Church in Toronto, and had just passed the 29th anniversary of her entry into ordered ministry....
In Memorium Laurie Ann Storring Back to Index Laurie Ann (Kirby) Storring was born on April 28, 1956 in Bancroft, Ontario, an area that is known for its beautiful natural environment. Perhaps it is from these beginnings that her love of the outdoors entwined with her...
In Memorium Sylvia Hamilton Back to Index Hamilton-Sylvia-taken-in-2004 Sylvia Hamilton grew up in the United Church of Canada, and was an active volunteer, providing leadership in Church School. She was the first woman to be Sunday School Superintendent at St....
In Memorium Thelma Dixon-Murphy Back to Index Thelma-Dixon-Murphy Thelma Dixon was born on December 11, 1918. The first part of this biography, is an autobiography, written by Thelma in 2002. Inspired by the teachers who lived in our home and whom I admired, I grew up...
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