Full IndexEverything we post on a regular basis in our website in different categories, appears in this index by chronological order, newest entries at the top.
Training Deaconesses the Manitoba Way
By Sherri McConnell, 1998 Training Deaconesses the Manitoba Way: Manitoba College’s Women’s Program 1998. The history of the Women’s Program at Manitoba College, preparation for deaconesses 1920-1939. More on this program.
Daring to be United: Including Lesbians and Gays in the United Church of Canada
By Alyson Huntly, 1998 Daring to be United: Including Lesbians and Gays in the United Church of Canada, United Church Publishing House, Toronto 1998. This book is available at the Centre for Christian Studies Library.
1997 in Fort Qu’Apelle
April 1997Prairie Christian Training Centre Fort Qu'Apelle, Saskatchewan Gathering Highlights Documents Minutes
A New Way of Seeing: Innovative Ministry through Friendship with Adults who have a Developmental Disability
By Nancy Post, 1997 A New Way of Seeing: Innovative Ministry through Friendship with Adults who have a Developmental Disability MTS Diaconal Ministry, St. Stephen’s College 1997 The story of how we have come to see ourselves, each other, the church and the world...
Being – The Essence and Vitality of Rural Congregational Life and Ministry
By CARROLL, MARILYN and JOAN JARVIS, MTS Diaconal Ministry St. Stephen’s College 1996.
1994 – 10 Year Anniversary
June 15-19, 1997 5th National Gathering and Tenth AnniversaryFive Oaks Paris, Ontario Gathering Highlights Documents Minutes
Diaconal Ministry as a Feminist Model of Ministry
By Kay Heuer and Teresa Jones, 1994 “Diaconal Ministry as a Feminist Model of Ministry” in Gathered by the River: Reflections and Essays of Women Doing Ministry, Artemis Enterprises, 1994
Animating the Church’s Participation in Community Development
By Eric Tusz-King, 1993 Animating the Church’s Participation in Community Development: Helping to Turn the Tide of Social Ministry MA Adult Education, St. Francis Xavier The purpose of this study was to develop a set of guiding principles and to articulate appropriate...
1993 Report of the Futures Task Group
1993 Report of the Futures Task Group to Ministry Personnel and Education
1992 in Wolfville, NS
June 16-18, 1992Acadia University Wolfville, Nova Scotia Gathering Highlights Documents Minutes
So Tell Me Again, What is a Diaconal Minister?
By Kathleen (Kay) Heuer, 1992 HEUER, KATHLEEN (KAY) So Tell Me Again, What is a Diaconal Minister? St. Stephen’s College Major Project, 1992 An examination of how United Church Diaconal Ministers and the United Church view diaconal identity.
1991 United Church Observer Article “Ministry Behind the Scenes: The Role of Diaconal Ministers in Today’s Church”
1991 United Church Observer Article "Ministry Behind the Scenes: The Role of Diaconal Ministers in Today’s Church"
1991 History of Diaconal Ministry in the United Church of Canada 1925 – 1991
1991 History of Diaconal Ministry in the United Church of Canada 1925 – 1991 Produced by the Committee on Diaconal Ministry, Division of Ministry, Personnel and Education, The United Church of Canada, 1991 (149 pages)
1991 Diaconal Ministry: Historical Outline
1991 Diaconal Ministry: Historical Outline, complied by Kay Heuer and Mary Anne MacFarlane, circa 1991
1990 in Toronto
March 7-10, 1990Toronto, Ontario Gathering Highlights Documents Minutes Part 1 Minutes Part 2